Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Do You See ME?

Yep...it's a girlie blog. Haha! If you are one...or know one...hope it's a little more info. ;)

Now, I do have to say before writing much more that there is so much mystery to the feminine heart that general descriptors MUST be left open to expression. From the girl who loves to slog through mud to the one who prefers glitter and eye shadow...there is a ton of variety. And...all of it is beautiful.

A book by John and Stasi Eldredge (Captivating) opened a whole world of understanding myself...or extending myself grace. It highlighted some of the ways that the feminine heart displays the image of God and identified Satan's special hatred for our kind. (There are male counterpart books by Eldredge as well.) I so wish they would have done more with what it means to be a daughter of God, but it is a great start and invitation to more.

One of the concepts highlighted is the heart's core question. Something that...in the answering...affirms or attacks our identity. Bringing the question to God first and good-hearted others after that is the ideal. The question answered by the wrong people and situations...terrible implications. For all girls, it is..."Do you see me?" It asks if we are invisible, fading into the background of life, conforming to a copy of someone else's definition...or if we are visible, stepping onto the dance floor in all our loveliness, living our authentic story.

Other desires???...1. To have a beauty to unveil. Something uniquely our own. Not limited to physical appearance...whole person expression. It's soulful...strengths, delights, passions, loves... 2. To have an irreplaceable role in an adventure. Largely alongside others because we tend to be relational to the core, but uniquely tailored as well. 3. To be pursued. It is action consistent with "Do you see me?". Having someone step towards and call out...both generally and specifically...but more about the heart's intentions than the details.

Boy...what a way to bless another, right? Affirming the feminine heart from birth to the beyond. Great reminders for this girl. For self...and for the ladies in my life...being a gift to each other. :)

(Oh and don't worry...I won't leave the boys out. Wild At Heart 101 is on its way.)


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