Monday, February 16, 2009

Time with the Girls

i've had some of my nieces over blast. turns out these ones don't always like "playing" per se...doing things together is their thing. so the other day, we 'did' a TON of things.

enter the keyboard. they like to punch in various code options and then hammer away. organ, pan flute, bird sounds,'s a trip.

then there's the bread machine. two of us add all the ingredients while the younger one parades back and forth between my legs. apparently my inseam is the right height for her...hehe. OH! i almost forgot. my niece asked me what the "sand" was as we were adding the ingredients. well, the "sand" was yeast, so i proceeded to explain that they are tiny living things that eat the sugars and then let off some gas...makes the bread rise. she looked at me a little disturbed, "you mean they are farting in my bread?". i guess the point was made. :)

there must also be the time for making weird faces. this one was for any kind of "open mouth" pic. the younger niece was a little embarrassed by our behavior. hehe...

after that came the dancing, youtube clips of singers, coloring in stencils...

and after they went home...a nap...for me.

but i have to say...i LOVE them so much! what a blast...and privilege. :)

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