Saturday, September 30, 2017

Tragic Irony

I feel like one of the greatest ironies I will experience in life will be the notion that some of the most resistant to actually living out the realities of love, grace, restoration and unity that Jesus' death and resurrection brought about...may be those IN the church.

I just literally find myself in shock sometimes.

Maybe it's always been this way and I'm just noticing it...but it seems so blatant lately. Public to personal. Watch the news, look at social media, observe how people speak and act in the church and other faith-based just seems so apparent lately.

It makes me heart-sick. Disappointed in people. Sad for what could be but isn't...

And I ask Jesus how to be like Him to them...instead of being like them to them. (yep...complicated wording...hehe). I don't have good answers yet...or at least don't have ones that satisfy my disappointment and sadness.

How to to stand for goodness and to sometimes oppose or challenge those who should be on the same page but aren't...and how to let go...

Jesus, intervene. Help us to live better.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Who Am I Gonna Be?

I was challenged a few weeks ago to consider who I want to be...

We all face situations that push on our hearts/minds/souls/strengths/weaknesses/struggles/wounds. Some offer opportunities of delight. Others can be issues of grief, injustice, attack... It's just how life is.

If you are at all like me, I usually try to engage situations strategically...finding the path to resolution as quickly as possible. I'm a huge fan of finish lines. But...I realized I never stop to view the trial through a formative lens. I don't ask myself what this process could be building in me (or us in the community sense).

It turns out...maybe the goal of the journey isn't as much the specific issue at hand...maybe it's the "becoming" along the way...

So, that's what I'm doing. I have some things that need strategy, but I'm not ignoring the big question along the way.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

This Is How I Fight My Battles

An unusual communion song...and a great message for the heart. My sister played this for me last night and I was undone!!!

"This is how I fight my Your table."

"It may look like I'm surrounded, but I'm surrounded by You."

"Nothing is as strong as Your blood."

"Your blood and Your body have overcome."

Man, what a great reminder!!! Communion with Jesus...meeting him at the table of the place of connection where we can really "push back" against the battles that come our way.

"You've already overcome." Amen.