Friday, June 15, 2018

And now I sit in Mexico...

It has been probably the most challenging two years of my life...with the last year running at breakneck speed. Heart-wrenching struggles alongside wonderful events marked with tons of hard work...challenges.

And now I sit in Mexico...

I get to be here for three weeks as my sweet hubbie works two of those weeks at the airport here. Needless to say, I have an amazing amount of downtime, which is rare for me. Being a smidgen performance-driven...what???...hehe...I don't usually open my schedule. I fill it. But what hubbie says is good for me. :) A much needed break.

My history with Mexico is a good one. I've been on three service trips here, and two visits for pleasure. Not the crazy-drunk American kind...just the enjoy-the-culture kind. I absolutely love the Mexican people...beautiful, kind. And Mexico is a fascinating place both naturally and historically. As such, rest is most definitely achievable.

My first few days have been marked with...sleep. Getting around 12-14 hours a day right now. Yowza! I've been been relaxing on the balcony just listening to the sounds of the city. I've been taking jacuzzi soaks. I've been eating...and I've been drinking pina coladas. Wow...they are a creamy dream here.

I've also been shedding some tears. You know...the ones you have to hold back when you need to put the nose to the grindstone. I guess now is the time. I'll likely blog some processing, but the timing is right. So...whatevs. :)

So...yay for Mexico, rest and God! :)

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