Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Achilles' Heel

We are only as strong as our weaknesses allow. The degree we are mastered by our insecurities, offenses and wounds directly relates to our successes in our true callings. Being driven by them turns a life-journey inward...making us subject to our own filling. The life of an addict, really...

It's inverted. It's less-than-human living.

By original design we were made to live connected to the Divine...not simply through belief, but through relationship. The life received in that interchange strengthens, forgives, heals...FILLS us to overflowing. It's the "With-God" that upon filling turns outward.

I've been thinking about it a great deal in terms of my own own destiny. But, I've also been considering it for my job, my other involvements, life beyond my yard... I wonder how much I am...we from places we shouldn't...and what ends we are creating because of it.

It makes me pause...

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