Sunday, March 4, 2012

Power of Presence in Repentance

I had an interesting experience the other day with facing a sin. Bitterness, to be specific. (Over the years, it's been one of my struggles.) I knew that God was inviting me to stop for a enter the stillness...and enter into repentance.

I, of course, have been a bit hesitant for some time because I want explanations and answers before being willing to part with the sentiment. (Justification can be a great, but unhealthy, self-defense.) What I felt more powerfully this time, though, was a desire to be free of the prison I was feeling. So I decided to throw caution to the wind, and I stepped in...

Specifically, I sat in a few verses for a while. The story of the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her hair. More than just reading it...I put myself in the situation. I decided to experience Christ in the moment...mine in hers. I don't know what was in the heart of the woman as she washed His feet. I imagine that sorrow was among them. So, I made myself the woman....but in my position of hurt and subsequent bitterness. (Sin, I find, is usually about something deeper...a broken heart.)

In His Presence, it became easier to give him the situation, the pain, the loss...and to open myself to receive His love and forgiveness.

Even more, though, He told me to read the last verse of that story. It ends with "Go forth in peace!". In addition to forgiveness, He released me into His powerful shalom-peace. His wholeness, His health, His harmony. And then, He got up and started to walk forward...beckoning me along with a wink and a smile. (Seriously, Jesus is so...amazing.)

I found myself surprised that He wasn't keeping me there to beat up on me a bit or review all my problems. We entered the power of His presence, honestly laid things out there, and shared profound and releasing peace.

Now, it's just an issue of remembering! When the feelings return or when I run into those involved, I actually can access His presence and become an agent of His peace. It'll be a challenge in the beginning, I'm sure, but it will actually be POSSIBLE.

That's the power of Presence...

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