Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Election Concern...

you know my main worry for the upcoming election...the "tell me what i want to hear" vote.

people who vote that way...well, it's just not a smart way to go.

it has been so helpful for me to have people in my life who study the issues...all sides. factual information...not hype. listening to their "learnings" has been so helpful to me...not always what i want to hear, but absolutely making sense of necessary steps...responsible steps.

but...i'm concerned that this is not the nature of the typical voter.

boy, i hope i'm wrong.

i'm getting used to hearing...in our "entitlement" society...the popularity of the people who promise all sorts of ear-tickling answers. the "i'll give you all the comfort...remove the struggle" kind of candidate.

but some simple study into factual...not fear-hyped...information...?

well, it's making me respect the candidates who don't necessarily tell me what i want to hear, but instead tell me how we are going to get there.

are there others out there who don't want government as "daddy"? others who see that as a bit of a problem?

i don't know...i'm just a little concerned.

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