Tuesday, December 9, 2008


sometimes i wonder about how much we've missed the boat when it comes to what god accomplished in the gift of christ...his birth, life, death, resurrection.

we've made it all about "clean-up".

largely, we present a message of repentance that is too narrow. we make it about forgiveness of sin (which is wonderful and beautiful)...but then we leave it there, which can make life about abstinence...not true freedom.

have we made it the equivalent of someone going to the doctor with a horrible limp? we diagnose it as something that's made a mess of things. we get it cleaned up and prescribe something to help keep the pain in check. it's good...certainly helps with the limp because now they can't always feel the shooting pain from the broken bone underneath the surface. but, my gosh! we don't want to simply numb the tension...WE WANT THE BROKEN PIECES SET IN PLACE. we want them to be restored to the way they were before the brokenness...

we forget that real restoration...which is god's full intent in the process of real and deep repentance..consists of 1) confession and forgiveness and 2) healing.

both are a part of god's plan in jesus to restore our hearts to eden.

that's the path to wholeness...

you know what is so amazing? stepping into that reality, while painful and messy, also turns into a wonderful journey of discovery. not only does god clean the wound, set the bones, answer the source of pain...he shows you how fast you can run...how high you can jump. it's full of so much wonder and delight...and true intimacy.

he shows you who he is. he shows you who you REALLY are.

it's HOME...

life becomes about true living...not maintaining.

and all along the way, it blooms into holiness. you begin to love it. you begin to nurture it. you begin to call it out. and it's so wonderful because it's true holiness...not religion. it's the great dance...not the shameful hiding.

man, sometimes i wish christ would return so we can really get to it.

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