Monday, October 26, 2009

Tolerance: Home Makeover Style

so here's the deal...i think "tolerance" in this country is often a total load of crap. either you have to totally tow the party line to be ascribed value (or lack thereof)...or totally have no opinion whatsoever for the same end. heaven forbid anyone ever get offended...thus the facade of "tolerance" that relativism demands which basically robs life of variety...well, and true value.


i love how 'extreme home makeover' does it. :) if you watch the show, have you ever noticed how pretty much anyone qualifies? i've seen entire communities pull together for all sorts of people that are predictably on totally different pages of belief and/or background...because people are valuable simply because they are.

a bunch of christians building a house for a buddhist family where the mom is dying a slow death.

a bunch of white people building a house for an african-american family that loves with no limits.

and vis versa...and vis versa...and vis versa...

no one chucks their opinions out the door OR at each other (heck, they are all probably chatting while they work)...BUT...they just take care of each other because something far deeper is MORE true...

and i love that kind of really respects the value that's present simply because of our common "condition" called humanity. man, it's cool to see a show do it too...including all those sponsors and voluteers. and no one is having to fill out forms asserting that they are or are not members of this or that, believing this or that, or not...barf. people just help because...

now THAT'S my kind of tolerance...hehe.

i wonder if all the atheists and christians and republicans and democrats would ever have the balls to love like that...kinda takes the strong, secure type...hehe.

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