Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Tough Call

oh man...i'm in the spot of having to make a difficult decision. sometimes, in the pursuit of the dream, the past has to be closed off....completely. when that involves people??...saying 'goodbye' is terrible. HORRIBLE because i actually care...and can't picture the future without this particular "past". so, i'm in that bizarre spot of evaluating...a host of "shoulds", "woulds", "coulds"...

i HATE it!

the cool thing??...god is still walking right beside me. nothing surprises him...and he never lets go of me.

1 comment:

Jody said...

The cool thing is that God is with you all the time..even though it feels lonely...moving on girl is going to be a good thing. Some day he will miss what he could of had!
Love ya!