Friday, June 15, 2012

The life of "For"...

I'm not a fan of Casting Crowns usually, but this song has me thinking a bit. The lyrics specifically are a really good challenge to Christians. So, so many don't think about what they look like to those who do not believe what they do. Honestly...and sadly...the image portrayed is pretty angry and heartless. Oh, and I know...there are some who will say that it's ok to be despised when it's for "truth" or "high standards", but that argument tends to be based purely on their own view of themselves. (And that same critique exists for the other "sides" as well.)

But's a few who give us that reputation, it seems...but the problem is exacerbated by Christians who do more of...well, nothing...other than have a faith that shows up on Sunday mornings but a daily life that sinks back into our culture's typical entitlement. Maybe sending a few $$ to a cause when our heart-strings get plucked but not really living out of the divine, life-giving relationship that we were designed for...

Should we try to be "acceptable" to others? To "match" or fit in?? To never "rock the boat"???...not in my opinion. But could we at minimum be disliked for better reasons???...YES!

I'd rather be hated for loving too much...for believing in and actually living out the possibility and potential that the presence of God unleashes...for the blessed gift of humanity that is fully alive...for blessing the social, environmental and entrepreneurial realms with justice, stewardship and investment...and on and on and on...

It's time to be known more for what we are opposed to our tantrums for everything we are against... (And by "for" I mean things we are actively living out!!!) Certainly there'd be more listening to particular convictions in the tough issues when we are first known for being ambassadors of goodness, restoration, stewardship, compassion...

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