Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Thank You, Cambridge Faith Community

So...this girl goes to "that church"...the current faith community to experience a "fall" in leadership. While the direct victims were not a part of our community, we quickly found ourselves to be the extended group of the hurting. Very confusing. Very painful.

To be honest, I'm so much more in love with this particular gathering of Jesus' people because of how we've grabbed hands and walked through...letting God help us love and grow...making us better equipped to dispense the kingdom-grace that takes sin seriously but calls forth into freedom, original design and righteousness. We haven't done it perfectly...but man, I'm more excited about our future than I ever have been. Seems like God can work the miracle that forms a broken heart into a bigger one!!! He's THAT good!

But...due to some of my experiences with and observances of the body of Christ for more than three decades...I've had the occasional fear of the shunning and judgment that can potentially come from other believers and faith communities. It's an unfortunate reputation and real possibility...people who need to punish the extended hurting to feel more justice against the offender...or people who just have enough of their own unhealed woundings that limit their ability to extend grace and come alongside brothers and sisters in Christ who need support. So sad...but also a fantastic reminder to NOT be that for the inevitable "falls" of us all.

A particular concern was a day-camp program that operates on our church property. It's an independent operation and not a specific church program, but you know...I was worried about those who might apply "guilt by association" and withdraw support of these fabulous people. Boy, was I wrong! So, so wrong. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of kiddos have been experiencing activities of all kinds that celebrate who they are, and so many adults and young people are being more released into their giftings of leadership and service...all with a joint effort by Christians from the extended faith community. Amazing! Wonderful! Fantastic!

So...I just wanted to say "Thank You" to the Cambridge Faith Community. Beyond specific programs, we've experienced far more miracles of kindness and support than distasteful moments of rejection. It's been a delight to experience God's goodness in such tangible ways. I pray that you will be richly blessed for your compassion. And can depend on us if ever you need support in the days ahead!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!!