Monday, August 24, 2009


one of my friends told me something interesting this weekend. she said that she was thinking about how dreams aren't just meant to be dreamed. they are meant to be lived. maybe that's not rocket science to you, but it got me thinking. when i think of my dreams, they are usually desired ends...results. in reality though, dreams are so much more. in dreaming...the end can't be seperated from the journey.

so, i've made an interesting realization about myself.

i've lately stopped dead in my tracks from the journey of my dreams (desires) because i'm not sure that god will give me the end of my dreams. i've made my "living" contingent on the definite end.

the bummer??? can't truly celebrate the last chapter without having experienced every preceeding page.'s each page that shapes how you want the story to end...and that can change with each turn.

it has me thinking...

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