Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Road Trip!

sis and i (and my nieces) went on a road trip to visit my cousin in omaha. it was a whirlwind, but it was sooo much fun! we went to the omaha zoo which was just about the most amazing thing i've seen. TOTALLY worth going a visit. i plan to go back because we didn't get to see everything...did i mention "amazing"?? :) i was able to finally see a real-live penguin...of the african penguin sort. very cool! now, i'm just on the hunt for an arctic one. sweet!

one funny thing i discovered...whenever i'm driving long distances, i do funny things to keep my mind busy. namely...i calculate. i find myself figuring out the time it will take me to go certain amounts of miles using my fab algebra skills. ;) i even had joy doing the math to check me. HAHA...umm, quirky.

so...cheers to road trips...and cheers to trips with sis! :)

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