Friday, August 14, 2009

People should see your makeup???

i do not fully ascribe to that philosophy.

i won a makeover in a silent auction last year. i was finally able to meet with the consultant the other day. when i arrived for the appointment, i immediatly noticed that her foundation was a shade or two dark compared to her natural skin tone.

a huge "UH-OH!" went flying through my brain...

aaaaaand...i was right.

she later told me that her "philosophy" on makeup is that she wants everyone to know that she's wearing it...even her foundation!!!

and that's how she made me over.


this is why i usually don't take just anyone's word for it on that stuff. i trust people who use their makeup to accentuate their features not blow the bajoozies out of them. :)


Jody said...

I want to see a picture!!!!!!

Sarah said...

ohhhhh nooooo wayyyy, missy!!! :)

she mixed me my own bottle of foundation...woo-hoo! i'll bring it in to show you!!