Monday, May 24, 2010

Yes, Another Volleyball Update!! Haha!

so...this sand volleyball league is very interesting for me. in so many ways, it's so good for me to be on a team again. whenever we can achieve a great set-up...even if it isn't always successful...i'm in pure heaven. the teamwork, the strategy...mwah! bellisimo!! what comes with that however is a great deal of frustration with myself if i'm off (and honestly sometimes at others...although i seem to be more generous with others as compared to my inner flogging for mistakes...hmm).

one thing that is quite interesting about our team is the mix. i think there are really only 3 of us that have actually played before. i can tell that the previous players have more wiring for position expectations, controlled hits, etc. that can get a little frustrating. however, some of the less experienced are more "scrappy"...they'll go for anything with aggression, assuming it's theirs. so, it's an interesting mix with it's pro's and con's from all sides. it should be great to see how we evolve.

you want to know what i realized tonight though??? it pertains to the first paragraph, i guess. there is definitely a meshing (sometimes clashing) of what "fun" means. for me?...while i love the fellowship, i love, love, love to try to play well (at least try...haha!). for others, just the "togetherness" equates to fun...regardless of the play. ahhh! who's right?...who's wrong? probably we all are right to a degree...hahaha! it's pretty funny though. we'll get in this major losing streak of points, and the "togetherness" crew is laughing and enjoying themselves. me?..umm, not so much. focus!-focus!-focus!! :) the flip-side of that is this...we'll be organized, more controlled, etc., and i'm in pure "fun" heaven...umm, maybe not so much for the "let's sing kum-ba-ya" people. hahaha!

funny thing was...tonight's first game had terrible heat and humidity. it literally sucked the life out of me. what that meant???...i was completely useless in play. i was exhausted after one play!!! so my fun meter was tanking...grrrr!! some of the others???..."eh, who cares! we had fun!" WHAT???

oh dear...another adventure and/or lesson. :)

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