Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Love's Pursuit

I have to remind myself that it's alright to step outside of the "boxes". You know...all of the "definite" assumptions in any of our belief or non-belief systems. Daring to ask questions...allowing one's self to venture into the mystery...and finding great Presence and great freedom there.

Death is one of those "boxes" for me. Specifically, the assumptions regarding a soul's final destination.

For some of the Christians that just gasped with horror...settle for one moment. ;)

* We don't know the exact moment a being leaves a body. Is it the exhale? Is it the final brain wave? Is it 6 nanoseconds after that exhale or brain wave???
* We don't know what happens in the final moments of natural life. The audience is excluded from the subconscious.
* We don't know the exact order of events a being experienced between "here" and "there". 

Yet, I know some that are quick to say "She didn't know Jesus, so when she died, she went to hell."

Wow...I just can't say such things. And thankfully, I know so many Jesus-followers who can't either...because here's what we do know...

* We know that Jesus loves every time. His earthly life, His death and His resurrected life serve that mission alone. 
* We know that through Him we are introduced to the good Father who pursues us, the "loves of His life", to the very end.
* We know the Father is the owner of time, and a split second is infused with eternity.
* We know that He is a gentleman who believes in the purest of introductions but will ultimately honor the desire for no relationship.

So...I'm not saying there's no place of separation...for why would God not honor an individual's choices? I just find it inappropriate to make any assumptions other than the fact that Love's pursuit can be trusted to honor the burning desire of the Father which would seem to want to give every person a fair and pure opportunity to exercise free will. We can trust His love to honor people in such ways. 

Because this is what His heart sings...

“Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” Song of Solomon 2:10-13

So, does this mean we should no longer share Jesus' "love every time" love? NO! But...perhaps we can be a people that actually live in and trust in His love...

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