Monday, February 20, 2012

Prince of Peace

I was able to do another sermon at church on Sunday. It's a challenge I like to take on from time to time. Our church has been going through our month of 'Prayer and Feasting' and has been focusing on the theme verse "Be still and know that I am God". My own journey in this study has been to be a bit more specific by focusing on God as my Prince of Peace. With that, I've been doing some Lectio Divina on Scriptures regarding God as the source of peace. My sermon did much the same.

I have to say God is SO excited when our lives reveal that our hearts don't fully believe what our minds and mouths often say. (i.e. I know in my head that God is my Prince of Peace, but my life struggles say that it isn't necessarily so.) Why???'s an opportunity for us to actually meet Him in those deeper places and find that truth can become reality through our relational experience with Him.

Yep...I know it's true. :)

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