Thursday, October 28, 2010

Titanic Thoughts

Alright...I must admit that I saw this movie SEVEN times in the theater when it first came out. It was soooo moving for me. I literally cried OUT LOUD the first time I saw it. Interesting question though, isn't it?...a choice between the one that represents control and/or appearances (a.k.a. the safe life) and the one that speaks to her heart. Wow!

Also...the song by Celine Dion??...the way she sings the end...the soft captures the sound of deep heart-grief for me. You know...past the loud pain to the moan of deep sorrow. She's right on! If you can't hear it in this clip, search out another. It's amazing!

Jack was such a "Jesus" for me by the way...and someday hopefully my Mr. Right. ;)

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