Friday, October 29, 2010

Where the Life Goes

Well...our community just got some terrible news. The fall of a leader. Certainly, it is assumed "innocent until proven guilty", but it sure seems like things are leaning in a sad direction.

It reminds me of something though...

We need to pay attention to the direction of life in our lives. Are we life-BRINGERS or life-TAKERS? I think God's ideal for the wonderful human spirit is to receive life from from a full heart...and bring that life to all of our roles, responsibilities and relationships. A cup that runneth over. Living less than human, of course, means that in the absence of being filled with life to the full, we literally suck the life out of those previously mentioned areas. Feeding rather than sharing. Doing so???...well, it really limits our effectiveness and "shine"...but it also sets us up for terrible falls. Hurting the very ones we could have helped...

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