Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Grace Way

We've been talking about grace at church...that "unmerited favor" bestowed on humankind by the Trinity. It really has me thinking about the HUGE gift that it is...and...the notion that we, as children of God, get the opportunity to be agents of Grace all the time.

Sometimes it seems like grace gets framed in the context of worthlessness. We remind ourselves over and over again that we are undeserving. There's an added measure of shame, though, if the foundation beneath the definition is that we are "sinners saved by grace". It's true...we really can't earn it in any way. Receiving it has nothing to do with anything other than God's extra-rational love. From the standpoint of being "children", though...which is God's true view of us...the undeserved notion of grace is fleeting compared to the sense of divine pleasure. A pleasure to bestow such a marvelous gift.

I'm convinced beyond anything else that our experience of grace is completely aligned with the fullness of human destiny. They are "hand in glove". Grace calls us up into our most original heritage...not one of "have to" but one that "gets to" bestow the divine favor on ourselves, in community relationships, in enterprise, to the environment, to those that do not yet know that they too are His's a duty, a responsibility, a delight...from the place of being sons and daughters of God.

Man, I'm so excited about Grace. It's got me all worked up. ;)

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