Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Little "Ah-hah"

I will forever be thankful for friendships that permit me to be "real". That's not always the case for me. Some of the roles I've chosen have made it difficult to "speak my heart"...often necessarily so. I'm also a pensive feeler and an introvert. This means there tends to be a lot ruminating in my heart, but it's not so easily shared. It can stay trapped and make a "prison of pain" of sorts. The people that allow me to be "me" regardless of position...and allow me to be vulnerable in sharing my heart without attack...I cherish them so much!!

Every Wednesday I get together with a friend who is exactly that...a dose of grace's wide open spaces. She actually asks questions, and I feel comfortable sharing. There's challenge but not shame. The respect for others and commitment to confidentiality creates a freedom in the relationship to share things that I'm normally not free to share. 

So...reflecting (outside of my own head) on some situations that have weighed heavily on my heart and others that have caused me frustration has allowed me to embrace some conclusions. First, I can't hold offense against someone for strengths they do not possess. Goodness, I would not want myself to be held to such an expectation. Hoping that people get an accurate picture of their strengths and weaknesses and how deficits (without adequate strength-pairing from others) could potentially hinder effectiveness...well, that's a different matter...and one that I want more of for myself too. Second, something my friend actually said...and I think is so interesting...calling does not assume maturity. Just because we have a particular strength, passion, or destined mission does not mean that we have the maturity to automatically wield it well. To assume so is to set one's self up for disappointment and failure...and frustration by others. Hence, risk should be paired with mentoring...the kind that challenges, sharpens and purifies. 

I don't know...a great exhale happened for my heart, and peaceful understanding flowed in. So refreshing. :)

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