Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wedding Planning...and Help

So here's an interesting discovery. While I'm trying to plan out the details of the upcoming wedding, I have a ton of people offering to help. And taking help....has NEVER been easy for me. Never.

Some of it is that I want people to be able to be at the wedding instead of assisting with everything.

Some is that...from ministry experience...not all help is "help". Hahaha.

Some, though, is a kind of pride. In a false humility, I may not want to be a burden to others. And in self-reliance, I don't want to admit I can't do it all myself.

Interesting...what my response to help can reveal. Sigh.

But...there's so much to celebrate!!! So letting people be a part of that special event is a sort of gift too. Honoring their hearts and their talents. Cheers to that!

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