Monday, May 19, 2008

Stop the Drama...

have you ever noticed how much people love drama? it's really unbelieveable if you take the time to notice.

some of our propensity for drama may be related to our media. just watch the news where hype has replaced least much of the time. apparently, exaggeration is more interesting than truth. so perhaps it has conditioned us to need it...the entertainment of drama.

sometimes it seems like people need drama in order to feel better about themselves...or come out the hero...or victim. and this is what we sum up in the word 'pride'. our monuments to our false selves have to be fueled by drama...frequent consumption of hoopla is required for keeping up appearances. (ironically, being real and humble allows a person to be fueled more deeply...a life of giving as opposed to getting.)

and then it strikes me that sometimes we need drama simply because we are frickin' bored. we don't give our hearts or minds enough to chew on...things to challenge ourselves...spaces to grow and enjoy. and so rather than take the moment to stop and realize how meaningless an existence we've chosen...because we might melt into nothingness if we did...we create a "reality tv show" (haha) of other's lives to postpone decimation.

well...i'm bored of drama.

are there places where we aren't constantly discussing everyone else's affairs or analyzing each and every move? i'd love to find more places/people where ideas and passions and dreams are discussed, where adventures are shared...

maybe i'm just in transition...but i'd like a little "more"...


Jody said...

Hopefully, you aren't referring to the drama after school yesterday:(
What a day! Love ya loads...sometimes i think i might get into drama....i don't think that is good!

Sarah said...

Hahahaha! No, no! Children galavanting in the woods counts as legit drama! Not you at all! Just noticing it...even in myself.