Friday, August 29, 2008

Much Thanks!

i want to thank those of you who prayed about my crazy week! there were some critical answers to prayer with the new day...almost immediately that morning. so now i feel like i can focus my attention more to the issues that are directly my responsibility.

one bummer...but blessing that my temp-daughter will be moving to her host family's house on monday (assuming everything truly falls into place). she has been such a delight. it turns out that she has a secret "freak flag" just like her temp-mom (me!...hahaha). what a treasure that girlie is!

i saw another shooting star last night! that's 5 for the summer!!!! (god is so cool!) i made my wish again...still trusting...still hoping. (i can't be specific because i'm sure jiminy cricket issued some "guidelines" surrounding shooting star wishes...but it involves finding a real true heart man someday...but that's all i can say right now...possible penalties per cricket guidelines...) :)

oh well...anyway, have a great weekend! god bless!

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