Friday, August 1, 2008

My Mini-Road Trip...Tar Hunt!

my pastor told me about a stretch of tar that he'd experienced that he thought i'd enjoy considering my deep passion for pavement. :) so, today i set out to find it...and boy, did i ever find it! woo-hoo!

i love tar! on the smoothest of asphalt, i feel like i'm bumps...just the wide open space in front of me.

AND...add into that, two fabo songs that came on mid-drive...'somewhere over the rainbow' by the hawaiian ukelale guy and 'rainbow connection' by kermit the frog. music made the trip a package deal!

can i just say...i love the little things! god is so cool in all the details of things...things we too often miss because we want him in the big booms instead. but for me...all that wonder becomes worship...a great moment spent with god.

yes, it's possible to find god in tar. ;)

thanks for the tip, ryan!

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