Monday, June 22, 2009

A Bigger Definition for Community

man, it's been an interesting study on community lately at church. i shouldn't say "study"...more like a pulling on god's heart for direction. well, i've been thinking that god really has a multi-facetted plan for community...each one so important that it does not rob the others of their value.

first, there's the community of god. the father, son and holy spirit in a massive love affair that goes so far as to hope beyond all hopes that you and i will join in. my heart and the godhead in an intimacy, a romance, an adventure beyond all that intellectual faith can hammer out in all the volumes of thought and reasoning.

i wonder how many of god's children really enjoy that intimate community of divine relationship...

second, there's the community of believers. those in the romance...called to life together. encouraging each other, challenging each other, being the strength in another's and receiving love together.

i wonder how many of god's children really enjoy that intimate community of fellowship...

third, there's the community worldwide. those whom we are called to love...that'd be everyone. being christ to any and all. jumping in to serve with hearts full of compassion...not judgment. loving people to life. seeing the fingerprints of god on every person...valuing simply because it's a privilege to...

ohhh how i wonder if, as american christians, we've so detached ourselves from this intimate community of worldwide compassion...

thing me...ALL three are necessary for us. all three for healthy and abundant heart-lives...the life of the fully human soul?? hmm...look at jesus' life.

to do otherwise is to sell ourselves short. i think because of comfort we like to believe that we can do service without divine intimacy...or neglect life with brothers and sisters in christ because of a relationship with god...or have the intimacy of fellowship without expressing god's heart to the world. sooooo not true. the fullness of community means to be immersed in all three. our particular roles and responsibilities may vary, but his heart for us would be to dive into the broader, deeper way of living in community.

i wonder how i'm doing with that...

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