Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When the fear is loved more...

oooooo, things sting sometimes. i sat with a friend today and heard a heart-breaking tale of two people who love each other. the only problem was that something was loved more...fear. the two had to part ways because intimacy, becoming, romance, etc. were being blocked by a fear of facing some issues.

my sis said it once...has stuck with me since. she was describing a sad relationship situation. "oh, he loves her...he just loves his fear more right now." sadly, something that only the fearful one can choose to overcome...

interesting thought, isn't it?

not that we LOVE our fears...it's just that horrible things can feel secure...safe...because they are familiar and have been reliable at guarding (although poorly) our broken hearts. in an odd way, we sometimes choose those issues over an offer of real love.

and so things end.

the real kicker??...letting that person go to embrace their fear is a painful yet heroic act of love. how tragic and ironic. in the letting go, we unleash our hope that the love affair with fear will be able to come to a head and die, that life and freedom will be found, and that a return may happen someday.

wow...so sad. :(

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