Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Girlie Desires

I'm sure I'm flying my "Freak Flag" (reference to movie 'The Family Stone')...well, that or my girlie side...but I just have to share something that is my dream.

I'm pretty sure it's clear from my other blogs that I'm a "heart" girl. I think it's the deepest and most precious treasure in a person. It's also the most scary thing to reveal to someone else...but the greatest at the same time. It's the real YOU. Well, it's my dream to have someone someday actually want to get to know me...actually want to pursue me...and delight in that. It's what I want to do for Mr. Right too. Absolutely nothing would get in the way of that...well, except my experience of that with God...but that alone only makes my relationships better.

So, there you have it. Wearing my heart on my sleeve tonight. :)

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