Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Need We Reveal...

I wish we could stop and consider the wound that is revealed in some of our moments of angst. Wounds that are legitimate, of course, but not meant to be fed in our relationships and endeavors. The fact that we attempt to do so explains a ton of the frustration we experience when people or things don't go our way. Those things sometimes aid in the healing, but they are always meant to be the lesser contribution to the repair. The core of a need is meant to be filled with an intimacy with God. This frees us to be able to bring life to our relationships or goals...rather than require more of them than appropriate.

Here's an example. I knew a guy when I worked in the cities who had a tremendous wound of rejection. Because it continued to go un-healed...untouched by a good heavenly Father...he turned all of his relationships (unconsciously) into a wound-feeding frenzie. Not that they were aware, but naturally people didn't stick around because they were more a "remedy" than a real person. This created a self-fulfilling prophecy to the rejection wound, reinforcing that he was "rejectable". Not the friends' fault at all...just the natural outcome of an unhealed wound.

What if we opened our eyes to the notion that something internal may be fueling the pain in our lives? Not always, granted...but sometimes???...it's the trigger. Such great hope, I think...when we choose to let God touch those places...if only we'd consider...

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