Monday, November 1, 2010

Why I Vote the Way I Do

Basically, here's my deal...and yes, I understand and respect that we all think differently...I tend to vote in a "conservative" direction. A lot of "Republican" going around in my head. BUT...I'm not that way simply because I like elephants more than donkeys or because that's my family norm. I actually have personally "owned" thoughts on the matter. Shocking...

#1 for me this year has to do with "loving my neighbor". I do NOT think that some system should be loving my neighbor for me. I think that's a sad commentary on society when we have to rely on institutions and guidelines to take care of our fellow man. I think that is living less than human. So, with a heart-felt understanding that I/We need to step it up, I will NOT vote for "more" of someone else doing it for me.

#2 for me is that it is time to take some responsibility for our society's endorsement of the entitlement mentality that always pushes off the consequences until later and onto someone else's plate. Well, there aren't any more "plates"!!! There is no future without fiscal responsibility.

AND...I believe it's possible to be responsible with pocketbooks and neighbors all at the same time.

#3 for me is the pro-life issue. Consistent with my #1, I do not feel that a "right" solves the core problem. When 70% of women who choose an abortion are doing so because of fear of lack of support/resources RATHER than a conviction that they have a right to do so, I have to wonder if our national "solution" is really the appropriate answer. It seems more like an "out" for everyone with some pretty serious consequences all around. In being a good neighbor, I'll be a part of the support and resources.

So...that's my logic. Take it or leave it. :)

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