Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hope Rises...

i really love to read this girl's blog. she lives out the life of christ every day, and i find it to be a great challenge to do the same where i am. with all of the drama about health care, i found her post this week to speak volumes in the midst of all the arguments. i'm not a fan of the government's particular response to the issue...i just think there are way better answers to our mindset of "acceptable greed". BUT...what i am reminded of is the truth that no one else should be doing my job of "loving my neighbor" in place of me. you know what i mean??...the fact that we actually have to consider having an institution take tax money from us just so the poor can be taken care of is...ridiculous!! there shouldn't even be that need because the life of christ in us should call us up to a life where we give... at minimum, that's the balance that i hope shakes out...but hey, i'm an idealist. ;) anyway, check out her blog...i wonder how many of us would do the same...

Katie's Blog

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