Monday, June 14, 2010

Full Circle Moment

I don't know if I've written about this before...and because it involves other people that I care about, I won't go into too much detail...but God gave me a "full circle" moment tonight. :) When I was young, I ended up in a dangerous situation with a friend of mine and her family. Very sad. Very, very scary. Somehow, my friend got the two of us out, and we ran as fast as we could to a nearby house. We pounded and pounded on the door, and the owner finally answered.. The man who owned the house happened to be a police officer. He immediately called other officers to the other house and kept us with him until things were resolved. Saved us actually. Well, I ran into him tonight after all those years...and after much pacing, I was able to have the opportunity to thank him. :)

I call that a 'full circle' moment because I think that God allows us to have opportunities where we can "close the book" on journies we've had to and through tough experiences. Gratitude, as it turns out, makes a wonderful last chapter.

Ummm...and for my friend, just in case she ever reads my weird ramblings...You were the hero that night, Lady. Just wanted you to know that I've always thought so...


Unknown said...

I believe that, too - that God gives us moments to close up certain chapters, certain wounds or experiences. I sometimes have dreams that allow for closure when having any closure in the "Real world" would be impossible.

Sarah said...

So true! :)

Jody said...

I haven't heard that story..Yikes! Always nice to close up some "stuff."