Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Swimming Suit

One more for today...HAHA!...I had to wear the swimming suit the other day...du-du-duuuh. (That's a sound effect for you...)

Of course, not being in the shape I want to be in yet, it was 20% icky. Ok, maybe it was 40% undesireable, but that's still less than half. (Glass more than half optimistic then!!) After the initial "Holy crap, spandex is suctioned to my rolls!" reaction, it was all good! :)

For any of you that have had body image and/or eating disorder issues in the past, you can imagine the internal "nerves" at first. But, if you've overcome it too, you know we can push through all that and not end up back in starvation-ville. ;) We can actually have fun!

Just saying...there's been a lot of courage going on in this girl. :)

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