Friday, November 30, 2012

Where I Belong?

Moment of honesty...I really can't stand this song.'s true.

"Take this world and give me Jesus. This is not where I belong."

I understand it in the sense of those times when we are overwhelmed with the mess around us...the pain, the suffering, the selfishness. Ick. Ick. Ick. So, those moments when we can remind ourselves that this life isn't "it"...that there's more to come...can be peace-giving.


And I mean a huge "BUT"...

There are many who actually abuse the sense of "later". They actually mean "take this world and shove it!" and arrogantly excuse themselves from investing in "today". They focus so much on "then" that they are ineffectual in bringing the kingdom "now". A lens set on, comfort, aimed at guarding their own yard until death or the second coming.

It's just plain not what we were made for. Jesus' life and mission here serve as a huge challenge to dive into the present and share the amazing "who" of who you are...the man or woman God made you to be!! You DO belong here! There's a message written on your heart that is a gift to us in this age AND the rest of what eternity encompasses.

So...for people who need a song like this to give themselves peace in the midst of the stresses of a broken world, by all means...peace to you! But, don't stop there!!!! Let it invigorate you...let it drive you to the good Father of the present...the Great "I Am"...and then get back to LIVING.

Don't "shove it"...bring it.

Sigh...rant done. ;)

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