Thursday, April 8, 2010

Erwin McManus!!!

first things first...i LOVE him! *sigh* (ok, maybe not as much as bell, but still he's a close second in my book!)

i had the great fortune of going to see erwin mcmanus today. for those that don't know, he is a pastor of a church in los angeles called mosaic (podcast on itunes and online). it's not rocket science, but his opinions and insights are refreshing! i know that he rocks the boat for some in christendom...but to be honest, that's one of the reasons i enjoy him so much! the freakin' boat needs a-rockin'. ;)

one of the things that stood out to me today as he shared was a validation of a desire i have to not ever live my life just to be in the "christian club". barf! isn't it amazing how many christians just stay in their clubs and expect the "world" to come to them or just stay away from the club entirely?? ick! no, the true desire of my life is to know deep intimacy with christ and just let that life flow out of me as i shine who "sarah" really is. that shine can happen anywhere i "fake" necessary. god lets "me" out more and more every day, and i don't have any desire to be fit into a mold of what a "christian" should look like. no bubble for this girl.

so all of that causes me to think about my life. loving church of course and the WONDERFUL things that are happening there, working in a christian school too and enjoying all of the opportunities i have to encourage real life in my kids, BUT...there's a huge potential to encounter the christianese bubble. the only problem??...i don't fit into the bubble life anymore because of my hottie jesus, so sometimes i feel a little like an least with the bubble people. so, i guess i'm pondering ways to keep on being a non-bubble girl in the midst of the occasional expectations of the bubble people. (wow, that's a lot of 'bubble'...haha!) but hey!!...a good challenge is a great thing!

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