Saturday, April 17, 2010

Secret Garden "Wow"

i had the BEST day with my dad. :) i came home from bible study this morning to work on my garden with my dad. i was so surprised to also find my niece "h" there too! we set the posts, hung the fencing and attached the arbor to the entrance. oh! dad decided that i needed a better looking arbor, so he brought a different one!! it does look so much better! :)

another cool thing that happened pertained to the walking path that i'm going to put in there. i don't have any paver bricks, so i've been considering a temporary path plan. i commented to "h" that i didn't have any paver stones or anything like that yet, but i'd just have to wait until the perfect "free" answer arose. well later on, as she and i were stomping around in the woods behind my house, i found a flat rock walking path that the previous owner had laid in anticipation of her own garden!!!! a free answer...and a beautiful one! so my next project...well, one of to relocate those rocks. you know what??...i think god was excitedly waiting for me to stumble onto his next surprise. he's hot like that!

so 20 slivers later...a great day!!...a ton of work done! (i'll post some pics soon!)

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