Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nose Prints

I get nervous when I find myself in the situation of "nose pressed against the glass". You know those moments of great anticipation when we were younger where we'd sit by the window excitedly waiting for whatever good thing was coming? That's what I mean...and I think my "glass" is literally frosted with nose prints. ;)

It's not a bad situation in the least. Stuff happens understandably. Just one where I noticed my hopes rising.

And when that happens???...oh boy, am I in trouble!

Why? When you open yourself up to anticipation, you also open the door to disappointment. Not that it's bad...It's a very good thing!!! A lot of people, for fear of loss, never allow themselves to hope. But, you know...the reality is that hope often clouds our broad perspective, letting us forget about the other possibilities that maybe aren't as desirable and making the inevitable loss a bit of a surprise. Maybe that's how hope is supposed to be though...more excited "for" a situation than rational. A nose with a little frost bite on the end. ;)

It's a good test, I think. For what will our response be? In my opinion withdrawal is never an option. Life without hope is no life at all...even with the possibility of disappointment. Ha!...I guess I'd rather be a hope-FULL fool than a logical pessimist.

Alright. Off to grab a bandaid and head back to the window! :)

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