Sunday, January 11, 2009

An "Ah-hah" Moment for This Girl

when we don't live with an open hand...we become doomed to a life of legitamacy.


if we draw our life from people, work, circumstances...and as such then have to have a tight hold on all of them...we curse ourselves to an existence of proving ourselves or our agendas...just to keep them in our grasp.

but when we live with an open hand...drawing life from it's authentic source...we are free to be as we truly are...and are free to let go...

and in that great irony that i often find with god...chosing that way opens our eyes to a great community that would rather walk together...through any challenge...than stand divided.

i have found myself in a situation sometimes...related to a ministry that i care very deeply about...where i find that i'm trying to legitimize who we are and what we stand for. a step back from the situation, and i find it ridiculous because god is having his way and doing wonderful, marvelous things in the lives of the people there...and he never needs my "backup". but in the heat of it...well, i start to try to "prove" whatever i think needs to be proven in the first place. (nice pride reaction, don't you think?) :)

totally asinine when i really look at it! first, i'm not the proclaimed defender of anything. and i'd be prudent to ask the big "g" if he even wants me to step up to the plate and take a whack at something. and second, no one in the history of mankind has been able to legitimize a thing to people that don't want to see it. critical natures, judgments, gossip...well, you can't fight through that with the best of know?

and i just realized that...actually, i think god just whispered with an open hand, it FREES just "be". to be HIS. and in that "being", we are able to let go. we can get out of god's way, let him do his thing, and join him where he wills.

and "come what may" is truly ok...because it's not about keeping everyone in the "happy camp"...including's about being his and coming alive.



Unknown said...

Wow...I soo needed that. It totally fits some of the struggles I've been going through lately. So good...

ragamuffins said...

Another WOW! Such a powerful realization and good reminder and so well said. Thanks, it came at a spot where I needed another reminder of that. I was almost "there" with a situation, but I think this will get me over the hump into trusting God and not having to legitimize myself or us. Thanks.