Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Gift That Left Me Speechless...

i received an interesting gift a few weeks ago...totally left me speechless. it'd take too long to describe, but let's just say that if anyone knows this simple, quirky gal well enough, it...was...amazing!

i wish i could find more words to say how special it was to me...hence, the speechless.

the other part to the story, though, was that it ended up being more special to me than to the giver. and that's totally fine and how things work out sometimes...but it got me thinking...

i really can't wait for the day when i can give and receive a meaningful gift in a way that i can't right now. i know that sounds stupid, but a single gal doesn't get so many "meaningful" gifts or get the opportunity romantically-speaking.

it'll just be really nice someday to really be able to give and receive in an "i love you" sense.

(and for you who typically join me in the, i'm not even talking about that right now! i's shocking!) ;)

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