Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Down with Puking!

ugh...yep, you guessed it. i had a bout with...vomit. (perhaps you won't want to read further...)

i HATE puking! hate, loath, despise, and all other synonyms. it majorly freaks me out. everything feels out of control...makes me momentarily fearful. ish.

when i was younger, my mom used to hold my hair while i hurled like there was no tomorrow. it was always so comforting. i almost called her the other night...but realized that nowadays a call at 3am for a puke rally might royally challenge our relationship.

i, of course, would not call my dad. no offense! he would have been the hair holder when i was little too, but also being a man of "action", i have to part ways with his approach. there was one time when i was so sick...nothing would come up. i was actually begging for it to up-chuck. dad came in and...prayed. :) he asked jesus to help me throw-up. literally moments later, i was catapulting down the hallway with the projectile sort. that's the ONLY time i was "for" vomit. hence, why i will not ask him over mid-flu. his prayers...get answered and tend to not agree with gravity! ;)

oh well...hopefully it has all passed and won't EVER happen again.

1 comment:

Jody said...

Hey, I am sorry you are sick...are you better? My week has turned out to be a busy, challenging one. I will try and call tomorrow.
Love ya! JODY