Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Demon Squirrel

so the demon-possessed squirrel is back. i swear...i thought i got rid of it last year. although, i should have known that he was a "survivor" when i pretty much served him meals of poison and he just kept beefing up. today, he showed up to stare at me and chew on my house some more. OH...and he was sniffing a package that came to my door...probably thinking of eating a gps unit. jerk.

so...my new plan?? dial-a-nephew. "hi, this is auntie sarah. do you have a gun or know someone who does? then come on over..."

no such thing as a "cute" squirrel to me. no, no...this dude is just a big frickin' mouse.


MotorMouth said...

We have a multitude of weapons...several calibers...just call...

Sarah said...

the only thing i'll just add for your benefit (since you like the taste of "variety")...this thing has to have poison coursing through its veins...so no nibbly!! ;)

MotorMouth said...

i was actually thinking i'd like to try my .270 & see if i can't obliterate the little f***er...

Jody said...

Hi Sarah, We have jet black squirrel..it hasn't started freaking me out yet...but i am getting prepared..it plays in the puddles and eats the bird seed..not the house or packages yet...now you have me scared...I need to get prepared for him to start going crazy...so for now..I am laying on my couch watching him/her/it and wondering what to do....lol