Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Mom's a Spice Cake...

i had dinner with my parental units and dad. i so love these people. they are so different, but really work together so well. they will be married 40 years this summer!!!...and they are still madly in love. so amazing!

well, my mom is...a total spice cake! i love when she gets all firey about things. she gets this 'tell it like it is' look about her. looooook a good way (unless joy has been misbehaving and probably has it coming). ;)

one of my favorite reactions of her's is when she really celebrates something or is proud of something. she holds her hands up in her cute little fists (with her amazingly sharp, long fingernails), closes her eyes, tilts her head just so, and says "yes!". that, occassionally followed by her distinctive "woooo-hooo!"

mom's rule!

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