Tuesday, March 31, 2009

when "they" are always the problem...

i've had the opportunity to hear a friend "vent" about his employer lately. i'm sure from his perspective it's been quite challenging. tough decisions get made sometimes, and it can really toss up someone's world. it seems, though, like we can get to a point where we only see the actions of another according to our judgment of them (resentment even?). thus, everything they do must be because he or she is greedy or cold-hearted or against the mission or...

but, all this talk has made me pause to ask a question...i wonder what it has been like for that employer to work with him...? do we ever pause to ask that? yikes, i hate to say it, but i wonder how much our perspective would alter if we pondered beyond our sense of victimization.

hmm...just as an occasional employer, i can say that it isn't a picnic to have to make the tough call. and it makes it a million times harder to do anything right when dealing with a bitter employee.

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