Monday, June 2, 2008

A Passion for Asphalt

only a few people know about my fanatical interest in long stretches of brand new, smooth cracks, no potholes...just bliss. i love it! i've actually become a bit of a connoisseur.

on a road trip to canada with my college roommates, sarah and voj, i found an unbelievable stretch that was actually pink in color...miles and miles of unbelieveable chroma-tar!

my favorite for many years was this strip in the cities where hwy 100 merged off of hwy 494. it was a like a huge, black tongue of asphalt wonder. the years since have not been so kind to that one...and i had to remove it from my list. so tragic.

but today i went in search of a newly laid local patch that i'd heard about from some trusted sources...and i was so disappointed!!!! whoever laid it did so in 24-ft sections (no, i didn't officially measure...haha!). i can understand that for concrete...but asphalt?? insulting!

so...the search for more perfection continues...

1 comment:

Jody said...

Oh my...I never knew!!!