Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I always find the weeks before a Sunday teaching to be quite interesting...and entertaining. Usually God makes my life into an application. Yay!...or...Ugh! ;) Besides the building of real-life material to add to it (with hints of God's humor infused in it all...), I sometimes feel the pressure of "what will people think?". I wonder if it will make a difference...if it will be a waste. That's not too fun.

One of the things that has always been perplexing to me...although I resemble this remark too...is what people think of different sermons. I'll hear one that was a little boring but hear from others that it was life-changing for them. Or I'll hear one that really speaks to something in my life but find that others were indifferent to it. It's so weird to me!!

Reminds me of what a mentor told me years ago when I was describing some pre-speaking anxiety. She said that I didn't need to spend too much time being consumed with worry because "the Holy Spirit speaks to people's hearts regardless of what you do or say." And so far?...I've found that to be true. Mostly, I just need to show up and then get out of His way... ;)

Good to remember for our speaking challenges...but also for the ones we hear...

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