Thursday, May 19, 2011


"I've been sinning, and I know that God doesn't love me anymore and that Jesus doesn't love me anymore..."

Ugh. My heart just sank...

You know what the church forgot to tell people in the midst of all of their answers for everything (said sarcastically)???? They stopped telling and showing people the ONE MAIN TRUTH...

Jesus...Loves...You. Always has. Always will.

If He has an impression about our sin, it is one of grief. He's sad about how the sin separates us from Him and each other. His passion for us is so great that such distance is actually heartbreaking. So, if ever there is conviction, it's because His desire for you as the delight of His heart is THAT great. Step into that experience. Feel that. You'll quickly find yourself in His arms being beckoned to a greater life with a more solid identity in Him.

...and then maybe you can direct others there too. They need it...that's for sure!

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