Monday, May 30, 2011

The Rabid Teacher

Haha! I'm guessing you are wondering what in the world this one is about. ;)

Maybe it's a "woman" thing, a "big sister" thing, a "teacher" thing... Regardless, the kids in my life are...well...MINE. I feel very protective about them. Territorial. When I find out someone is trying to lead one into things that will ultimately destroy them or derail their future, it's absolutely going to get bad. I will not allow that on my watch. Does that mean I don't address the issue with my kiddos? Nope! It's "go time" there too. Hearts are that important. But, for the ones that like to prey on my kids...I will do everything in my power to stop it. It's a promise.

It's amazing how much the Lion King applies to life. ;)

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