Sunday, May 1, 2011

What a Mystic Thinks...

I do not aspire to live a life dependent on my "bullet points". A security based on dogma??...That only positions me to be a combative victim, always expecting a defense of this and that so that my internal world can feel "OK". No, what I need is the intimacy and mission that comes from my good-hearted Father and the "realer real" that He pursues and invites me into with every breath I take.

That a word...births "Unity".

Fighting the all-too-often reality of Christian fists and embracing instead the higher call to hold hands as we walk through whatever comes our way...It's a gutsy way to live these days, but truthfully it's a part of our destiny as His children. Divine love accomplishes such things. Oh, that we would step into that fire and find a life beyond what the "bullet points" deem real. Identity, passion, purpose, adventure, community, peace...all in a family full of interesting characters.

Joining the "Rally to Restore Unity". You should too!

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